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发育生物学博士后 学校介绍 学校主页
Job description:
A NIH-funded postdoctoral position for a highly self-motivated scientist is available in the ZZ lab at Carnegie Institution of Science, Department of Embryology, which is affiliated with Johns Hopkins University. Research in our lab focuses on the impact of transposons during animal development, disease, and aging processes. We build tools to quantify the transposon activities and uncover the mechanisms that control transposons. The candidate will join a young and highly energetic family. Current research directions in our lab include:

1.        Studying piRNA biogenesis and transposon silencing in animal (mouse and fly) germline.
2.        Building transposition reporter system to probe transposition events.
3.        Uncovering transposon control mechanisms in somatic cells.
4.        Establishing genome-wide sequencing method to quantify DNA breaks.

Job requirements:
Applicants should be creative individuals who are willing to ask big questions and challenge established dogmas. 

Please email your C.V. and contact information of at least three references to Zhao Zhang (zhang@ciwemb.edu).

For more information, please visit: https://emb.carnegiescience.edu/science/faculty/zhao-zhang
